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About Akshar Yadav |
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- My Story
Some insight into what makes me tick and how and why I am where I am.
- Why Hire Me
13 reasons you will find me irresistible for your business - seriously!
- Contact Me
Need to discuss an upcoming project or would like say hi or like to have a cup of coffee – this is the place :)
- Email Marketing
If you are looking for ways to close more sales and grow your business, then this is the page you should visit first
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- Emailicious
Areal world story of how an entrepreneur turned around his small business completely by implementing a kick-ass email marketing strategy
- Website Talkies
A short story on how an enterprising business owner turns around his business by being proactive and redesigning his website
- Take That Plunge!
A short and inspirational read on my own half-baked entrepreneurial journey
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